Friday, 6 January 2017

Sowing the SEED - New Year New You New Way of Doing Business

Happy New year!! It's 2017, still no flying cars and we're still fighting world hunger. So what are going to do to enter 2018, better than we entered 2017?

Small Enterprises for Education and Development is a registered charity of Barbados. SEED is comprised of small business members seeking an opportunity exercise their Corporate Social Responsibility.

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

CSR is the understanding that corporations are given privileges to act as a "person" depending on the degree to which the company has been "incorporated" or "embodied" and with these privileges comes the responsibility of acting like a part of the community, just as a responsible person would be expected to behave. Here are a few ways companies express their CSR:


Whether in cash or in kind, it is the simplest way to be involved. It allows the beneficiary to fund their needs and the business may often receive some publicity. Depending on the size of the donation, the business may be named a sponsor, and may make some decisions on how the project is directed and funds are used.


Maybe just the business owners, or the employees as well, would dedicate some time to assist a specific organization or champion a cause. The company uses its platform to engage in advocacy and public education on a matter.


Companies, large and small, create separate not-for-profit organizations that are fully dedicated to actively making real change in their communities. The companies fund the foundation, but allow it to be managed as a separate entity.

Self Regulation

Instead of doing something external, a company may decide to express its responsibility internally. Therefore, a company that feels strongly about the environment would ensure its processes reduce, reuse and recycle where possible. The company may choose to invest in renewable energy sources for their own needs. A company that feels strongly about people may self institute socially advanced policies like extended Maternity and Paternity Leave, recreational spaces in the office, personal development and educational opportunities for employees, etc.

Small Businesses and CSR

SEED believes that most business owners really care about the world around them. They are parents, members of religious organizations, recipients of government provided social goods etc. Small business owners are living and working among the communities which patronize their businesses. Many want to give back and have already found ways to do so.

SEED seeks to provide avenues for small businesses to be socially responsible organizations in ways that most benefit both the community and the business. We understand that entrepreneurs are extremely busy and their businesses often cash strapped. So, we create the opportunity and make it available for interested and available businesses to get involved, however it makes sense and cents for them.

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